We found a robot Joker and a Soviet lunar rover working in Chernobyl

During our next illegal trip to the Chernobyl exclusion zone, my friend and I decided to go and look at the legendary moon rover, which is located in Buryakovka, at the radioactive waste disposal site.

You can learn more about these robots from this documentary.

We arrived in Buryakovka in the evening, reached without incident, only the dogs from the “Vector” began to bark. Dropped backpacks under the most “clean” spruce and climbed into the parking lot.

In the parking lot we spent fourteen and a half minutes.

These two robots are standing in the north parking lot, right by the barbed wire. Since we climbed into the parking lot from the south, we had to go among the radioactive piles of cars, pipes, helicopters for a long time.

First we saw the Joker.

This German police robot Joker (Joker), equipped to work on the roofs of the third and fourth power units, failed to show itself.

The film by Valery Starodumov (liquidation participant, dosimetrist) says that the Soviet side, ordering a Joker, underestimated the possible radiation levels, and the robot is broke.

In this place between track and its rink, the assembly (a piece of graphite) stuck.

As you can see, the tracks are now dismantled, as well as the entire internal electronic filling.

On the joker on the right lies the lunar rover, robot STR-1.

A specialized transport robot, or STR-1, is a legendary and well-known robot that took an active part in cleaning the roof of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant from blockages of highly radioactive elements of a destroyed reactor.

The robot was operated at gamma levels up to 3,000 X-rays per hour. In some places (at the base of ventilation pipe No. 2), radiation levels reached 10,000 X-rays per hour.

Robots were controlled via secure communication channels, roughly speaking, a digital radio channel. The robots were very slow and had a small bucket.

As you can see, equipment from the lunar rover was also dismantled, only the chassis remained.

Photo Maxim Mayorov

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