Abandoned Pioneer Camps of the USSR

In the USSR, there were about 40 thousand. Interesting sculptures, mosaics and unusual buildings have been preserved in the camps, although now all this is slowly being destroyed.

In the early 90s, after the abolition of pioneering activities and the collapse of the USSR, it seemed that everyone fled from these camps, leaving them intact inside.

In the pioneer camps, they not only supported the health of children, but also raised a patriotic spirit.

Today these are mainly places of pilgrimage for lovers of abandoned places. And, unfortunately, a very small part of the former pioneer greatness has survived to our time.

Camp “Kudryavtsevo” is located on the territory of the former estate of Samsonov of the 19th century, as evidenced by the main wooden house and church.

During the Soviet era, it was common practice to privatize estates and use them as social institutions.

In the Kudryavtsevo camp there are 9 residential buildings, statues of pioneers and a playground with carousels. All this is guarded and slowly destroyed.

«Малая часть былого величия»: пост с фотографиями заброшенных пионерлагерей

The Seagull pioneer camp in Polushkino was built in the 50s and belonged to the USSR State Construction Committee. But the most amazing thing about him is different …

On the main alley of the Chaika camp, perfectly preserved Soviet mosaics can be seen from the thickets.

Children’s camp “Zarnitsa”, owned by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Research and Production Association Astrophysics”, which is hinted at by a large iron rusty hammer and sickle with a globe at the top, standing in the middle of the camp in the bushes.

Famous for its crazy sculptures camp “Fairy Tale”, built in Soviet times for the children of employees of the publishing house “Children’s Literature”.

Just look at these amazing sculptures of fairy tales in the camp “Salute”.

The pioneer camp “Kaverino” in the Kaluga region was built in the 80s for the children of employees of the Balabanovsky match plant.

The scope of the camp is amazing: many concrete buildings, a cinema, a slot machine room, a bomb shelter, a library, a first-aid post and of course its own amusement park.

Pioneer camp “Salyut” in the Moscow region, where a satellite model is located in front of the main building.

Former pioneer camp “Yubileiny” of the USSR Ministry of Light Food Industry, located in Kolyubakino. What a wonderful Soviet legacy!


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