Abandoned Christmas Tree Decorations Factory
Not so long ago, when I was cleaning the attic of my house, I found a whole box of old Soviet toys, which were carefully laid in the already seen dark and still soft Soviet cotton wool.
The toys aroused nostalgic feelings in me: New Year, Santa Claus, I am 10 years old, in the morning a gift will be waiting for me under the tree … Yes, those times cannot be returned, but I decided to get the toys from the attic and take them home to the city to New Year’s holidays to decorate my Christmas tree with them.
While dragging the box into the car, I noticed a label on it, which was attached to the box with an old seal, like a postal one. It indicated the city of departure and the address of the factory where these toys were apparently produced.
Curiosity got the better of it. When I got home, I decided to check what is now at this address, and, unfortunately, sad news awaited me.
Already looking at satellite images, it became clear that the plant and its production departments is clearly not healthy, and judging by the comments – it was altogether abandoned. We love abandoned objects, and even more so, factories, so on one of our free weekends, my comrades and I went to a neighboring region to visit the factory and see what was left of it. It was very curious to see the production with my own eyes, although it was already closed for a long time.
After driving about five hours from the capital, we find ourselves in an ordinary provincial town, in the middle of which there is an inconspicuous factory, several of which have been abandoned since the late 1990s. The administrative building is leased. It houses a furniture store, on the second floor of which there is an abandoned Soviet laboratory.
It was not difficult to get into the shop of the plant. It can be seen that nothing has been guarded here for a long time, so local youth often come in to smash the remains of furniture and break windows in buildings.
Old packages from Christmas tree decorations and New Year’s decorations are scattered on the windowsills. Garlands were also produced here, however, unfortunately, we did not manage to find a working sample, but really wanted to.
The workshop and the administrative building of the plant are filled to capacity with old light bulbs. Judging by their base, they fit into the rear lights of cars of the AvtoVAZ family.
Empty shops, looted machines and tons of useless finished product looks like a bad joke, but it’s all quite seriously thrown and no one needs.
In one of the rooms, we found those same Christmas tree decorations: multi-colored cones, fish and soldiers, whole boxes with them! Toys, of course, need to be saved without hesitation.
By the way, among them there were also parts from garlands.
In one of the rooms, we came across strange cylinders with shutters. Most likely, these are stoves or something similar for blowing glass and transforming it into a finished product.
Walking around the entire factory and taking with us a box of beautiful toys, we moved through the empty and sawn workshops towards the exit. Unfortunately, we did not manage to find anything else interesting here, since in twenty years the plant was simply plundered.
But they did not take it and threw it away, in my opinion, the most interesting thing is the memory of the plant in the form of ready-made and surviving Christmas tree decorations, which will definitely decorate my Christmas tree on this New Year’s Eve!