Abandoned Underground Air Bases in Eastern Europe
On the Soviet and Russian military airfields can often be found arch-shelters for fighters and bombers.
It is assumed that in such an arch lotnaya unit can be stored in the relative security of or be renovated.
For example, here is an open parking lot with three underground storages:
Entrances to underground parking.
Protection of the territory of the airbase.
The most famous and one of the largest “underground airfields” in Europe can safely be considered the Yugoslav airbase in Zhelyava, now located on the territory of Croatia, in close proximity to the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The state of the air base facilities is 3 out of 5 points.
When the army retreated to the key nodes of the underground complex, explosives were packed in impressive quantities in order to exclude the possibility of its further use.
The explosions broke the massive reinforced concrete protective shutters and huge tanks of the fuel storage, everything that could be burned was destroyed by fires, but, on the whole, the base stood.
Entrance to the shelter in the form repeats the silhouette of an airplane, a concrete wall a couple of meters thick.
The building is striking in its scale.
Particularly noteworthy to the huge tanks of the underground fuel storage.
Unfortunately, in this air base there are not even remains of airplanes. Therefore, for the airplanes, we went to Albania to another abandoned underground air base.
The inscription near the Germanwerk is translated somehow like “Comrade officer, the tunnel will not be protected during the arrival and departure of the aircraft”
The planes are tight, one after another. It MIGs assembled in China under license and purchased by the Air Force in Albania many years ago.
The cabins are in poor condition, the instruments are torn out.
There are so many engines, new in packages.
Completely new anti-aircraft guns.
The wreckage of the Albanian Air Force helicopter, which collapsed into the lake two years ago. In that catastrophe, two died …
On this I will finish. Thank you for watching 🙂